Do you have a dream, vision, or intention for this coming year?

Recently, I've shared my thoughts on the idea of paying attention to our vibration. Everything holds energy. Every person, every place, every experience, and thought, carry and hold a certain energy.

For example, look around your environment and notice the pictures and photos displayed on your walls or furniture. What do you see? Memories of vacations, landscapes, friends, and family, both alive and those who have passed? Perhaps these photos conjure feelings of happiness and nostalgia? Or a reminder of the importance of connections to people, places, or events that warm your heart. But I bet these photos represent the past.

When was the last time you displayed images and symbols of dreams and desires that you wish to attract or manifest in your future?

According to Alberto Villoldo, a modern-day shaman, "the aborigines of Australia believe that it was in Dreamtime that the world was created, and to follow the dream lines when they go on a vision quest. For the shaman in the Americas, the task is to dream with their eyes open – to envision the possible before they envision the probable. It's not a fantasy or hallucination, but rather the ultimate nature of reality itself, where one can actually steer and guide the dream".

One of my most crystal-clear dreams happened soon after completing my coaching certification. I envisioned working in a cozy little office, surrounded by my favorite books, colors, and inspirational artwork. I called this my sacred space. I would imagine stepping into a calm, clean, and quiet setting, and if anyone were to peek into the window, they would see me, sipping a cup of tea, joyfully working with clients. I longed for the feeling of PURPOSE and PEACE.

That year for Christmas, my husband, who builds homes for a living, decided to engage my young boys, and together they built a prototype of this ideal space using a birdhouse. There it was, a replica of my dream office with all the little details I spoke of--the books, artwork, desk, and my name on the front of the building. It even lit up when plugged in. It moved me to tears; it was one of the most meaningful gifts I ever received.

Fast forward many years later, I am here happily sitting in my very own office, surrounded by my books, favorite art, sipping my tea. Engaged and working with clients from all over the world. Now, it's not perfect. Like many, my office is in my home, which sometimes does not lend itself to being very quiet, frequently disturbed by a doorbell, barking dog, and sharing lunch-making with others, but the feeling is usually that of purpose, peace, and deep joy at the end of the day!

There is no doubt it had to begin in my own mind and heart for this dream to come to fruition. But the energy and the realization really came to life in that little model office. It propelled me in ways I cannot describe. I purposely placed it where I would see it every day. It was a target, a vision, that helped me stay on the path. And although this journey has taken on many dimensions, and I have overcome many external and internal obstacles, I can honestly say that I am living my Dharma. This work I know is my true calling, and for that, I am grateful.

Do you have a dream, vision, or intention for this coming year? Perhaps 2020 has offered you clarity about what you DON'T want in your life?

By knowing what you don't want, it clears the way for articulating what you DO want.

Don't stop there. Once you have that clarity, I would like to invite you to create an intention for 2021. The easiest way to articulate an intention is to define how you want to feel at the end of an experience.

So, imagine it's Dec 31st, 2021—how do you want to feel? Keep the target simple with one or two words. Like joy, empowered, free, abundant, healthy, independent, strong. Notice the vibration of your chosen word. Can you feel it in your body? If so, that is a clue that it is the right intention.

Next, it's time to really partner with the universe and create a vision. You can do this by creating a vision board. There is so much power in being able to see a vision for your life. It stimulates all your senses and stirs beautiful energy in the deepest parts of yourself, especially your organs; your gut, heart, pulse, every cell. Not driven by your brain—in fact, keep it out of your brain because your brain tends to want to sensor everything.

The idea behind a vision board is that when you surround yourself with images of who you want to become, what you want to have, where and how you want to live, achieve, or experience, your life changes to match those images and those desires.

You can go ahead and download simple directions on creating a vision board here. The most important suggestion is allowing the word that describes your intention to drive the pictures, images, and symbols that make up your board. In fact, I suggest you place that word right in the center of that board!

Lastly, don't hide that vision board away. Find a place or a way to keep it in the forefront of your life. Use it as a reminder every day as a signpost, directing your choices, habits, and decisions. Some have even used it as the wallpaper on their devices!

Allow this vision board to inspire you, and when you begin to see these dreams and desires come to life (which I know you will), don't forget to look up and say thank you!

I hope you enjoy this creative process, and please share this experience with someone you care for and trust. Taking responsibility for making your dreams come true is fantastic, but sharing it with someone special is a true blessing.