Now what?

Now what? A simple two-word sentence, packed with so much energy and reverence for what WAS, IS, and COULD BE! 

This simple question can evoke scores of reactions and feelings from anger to JOY and everything in between... a recipe of uncertainty. And, if vulnerability is something you try to avoid at all costs, how do you begin moving forward when faced with so much uncertainty?

Uncertainty is a result of change. Whether it is a change in relationship, work, family, illness, loss, displacement, catastrophic world events, or other types of conflict, change can lead to uncertainty. It's common that immediately following change of any kind comes the sense of being thrown into chaos, then feeling out of control and uncertain as to how to move forward.

Lately, my inbox has been flooded with these types of questions.

  • How do I find happiness, peace of mind, solid ground to stand, and encouragement for myself and others? 

  • Is it too late to follow my passions if I knew what they were?  

  • Who would I be if I weren't caretaking others?  

  • Does that make me selfish if I don't want to any longer? 

  • How do I start over?  

  • How do I convince my children that this nation, this world, is a safe place to live in when I, myself, feel so hopeless?   

And the answer is always the same. YOU! You hold power and the answers to all these questions!

I believe we are capable and equipped to transcend, rise above and beyond our human characteristics to co-create and influence our destiny.

An intention always begins with a vision, clarity of what you deeply desire and want in your life, followed by the right action!

Have you created that vision board yet? If you haven't, then perhaps you lack inspiration or clarity of what is possible for you and your life.

Maybe you're burdened with clutter both externally and internally. If so, may I suggest getting quiet? Yes, even amidst all the chaos, find a way to still your mind and allow your intuition or spirit to awaken inspiration. You can get still in meditation or take a quiet walk out in nature or grab some markers and coloring book and let creative expression help make space for inspiration.

Sometimes the answers to such complex questions appear where we are least expecting them, in our dreams, chance conversations, or animals in nature. 

A couple of days ago, I spotted a beautiful deer while on a walk. I came home and looked up a deer as a spirit animal. Not surprised, the deer represents innocence, kindness, grace, and good luck. I found myself softening around a discourse in my family and decided to release my position because that was the kindest thing I could for myself. 

These chance messages from spirit have guided my life for years, and they have never misled me!

Another recommendation is to make a list. Grab a piece of paper and draw a large capital T. On the left side, identify at least 9 things you know you DON'T want in your life. Once you have created that list, begin listing the things you DO want in your life on the right side. When getting clear on what you don't want, it makes space to invite what you do want.

Another powerful action step may be to ask for help. Help can be found through books, videos, paid and non-paid experts, and workshops. We have never been so fortunate to have so many options and terrific resources available at our fingertips, virtually, while sitting in our homes.

So back to the question, Now What? You get to decide. You can continue to live, feel and experience life as it is, or you can invite a new vision and new possibilities!

My final message today is from a Chinese proverb:

If there is light in the soul
There will beauty in the person
If there is beauty in the person
Then there will be harmony in the house
If there is harmony in the house 
Then there will be order in the nation 
And if there is order in the nation
Then there will be PEACE in the world!