Everything has energy. Every person, every thought, every action, item, and word carry a certain vibration.
Why is this important? Because energy and vibration have a way of multiplying, it is as contagious as this virus we are dealing with and can change a room full of people from feeling alive to despair. From feeling fear to hope. From feeling lost and discouraged to feeling empowered and inspired.
I know with the state of this never-ending virus, the elections, economy, severe weather, and now the holidays upon us, 2020 has not been one of ease and peace if you are anything like me. But, I think it is essential to take a closer look at our personal vibration... to explore how this dominant vibration contributes to our overall well-being and the impact on the world, and let's go all out and say the universe.
On November 7, when the presidential election results were announced, many shared a vibrational shift. Pandemic or not, the relief and excitement as people all over the world gathered in the streets to share this newsworthy occasion, the perspective of new leadership! In my very own neighborhood, you could viscerally feel a lightness in the air; people were coming out of their homes with a spring in their step, waving and smiling. And although the weather was mild here on this November day, almost every one of my neighbors took to cleaning their yards, we chatted across fences, and as early dusk fell upon us, several of us lit candles outside as a sign of solidarity and hope.
Now, this is an example of an event creating a vibrational shift, but many other things can create similar shifts.
We all know the energetic feeling of a beautiful sunset, hearing that specific song on the radio, sipping that first-morning coffee, or holding your favorite childhood book in your hand. The smell of a certain season--did I mention how much I love summer and ICE CREAM!
Surely, we can all name a select number of people who just the anticipation of being in their presence either make you smile or immediately hunch over to protect the heart.
When you are steadfast in releasing thoughts of harm towards self and others, all living creatures will cease to feel fear in your presence.
How about that vase sitting on your mantle? Once filled with flowers offered as a condolence for the loss of a special loved one, or perhaps an apology for breaking your heart--can you feel the energy each time you notice the vase? Or that special tie that you last wore when someone other than your partner flirted with you and you flirted back – the energy that tie holds can be of feeling sexy and attractive or ladened with guilt!
Why is paying attention to energy and vibration important?
Gregg Braden explains it best. A bestselling author and one of my favorite teachers, Gregg, has spent his entire career bridging the world between science and spirituality. Many of his books and videos describe the energetic force of human emotions and the healing power and impact of collective consciousness. His very teaching forever changed my understanding of how my thoughts, my energy, have an impact on everything that matters most to me.
Can assuming personal responsibility for my very own vibration each day somehow help heal our universe? According to Gregg, the answer is yes.
Nothing illustrates this better than his recount of the event that happened in 2001. Gregg goes on to share that there are these satellites that travel around the earth, whose primary job is to measure the magnetic field surrounding the earth. One in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern. And every 30 minutes, these satellites take a reading. At a particular time in September 2001, scientists noticed a spike in the readings. When they laid the data on a calendar, they noticed that the first spike happened precisely 15 minutes after the first plane hit one of the towers on 9/11.
Now, we can all remember where we were on that defining day and perhaps articulate how we felt, some fear, others sadness, anger, and even compassion. Despite what we felt, many describe the feelings to be so heartfelt.
Why is this important?
Because regardless of how we felt, when a certain number of people come together, especially during an event, and create a particular emotion felt in the human heart, that specific energy vibration can influence the electromagnetic fields.
And why is that important?
Because studies have shown that these electromagnetic fields of energy are implicated to the very thing that sustains human life on planet earth, our immune response, climate, weather patterns, cycles of war, and peace.
Human emotions are so powerful that they can be detected in these satellites orbiting the earth thousands of miles away.
If this feels too big to understand, I invite you to consider the simple impact of energy in your very own life. Pets instinctively understand the power of energy, they seem to gravitate towards individuals who don't feel threatening, and the same goes for children. House plants understand this energy as well. Did you know that merely talking to a plant encourages it to regenerate and grow?
So, how can you begin to take responsibility for your personal energy and vibration? Well, I am going to suggest that it begins with your thoughts. Simply put, thoughts become feelings, and feelings turn into vibration, and remarkably the universe will often mirror back your personal vibration.
You can choose to invite and nourish thoughts of fear, shame, regret, judgment, and hate each day. Or you can choose kindness, compassion, appreciation, and gratitude.
There are several ways to change your energy and vibration; here are three simple steps:
Step One: Awareness
Become aware, pay attention, take an inventory of what neighborhood your mind spends most of the day in. The good news is that you can always break the lease or leash and move out of that neighborhood by letting go of the story and narrative you have rehearsed repeatedly.
Step Two: De-clutter
Get rid of the things that conjure negative feelings and emotions. Clothes that do not fit, letters that invite pain, pictures that drain your energy and broken appliances, chipped cups and bowls that reinforce scarcity and fear.
Step three: Lean toward JOY
You have suffered enough. No amount of suffering and sacrifice will make you happy! What this means is when you feel yourself swirling, change the environment. Get out in nature, call a positive friend, turn on some music, and DANCE! Watch a funny movie, turn off the news, or ask for help.
I promise, changing your energy, your vibration will improve your health, relationships, increase abundance, and invite new possibilities.
Together we can heal our planet. Our collective consciousness has the power to impact the universe. If you desire to live in a world with more peace, love, and compassion, know that each one of us can influence the change. One mind, one heart, one kind gesture begets more kindness. I don't know about you, but I want to live in a kinder, more loving world!
I am committed to stepping into a new year with new energy- how about you?
When you are steadfast in releasing thoughts of harm towards self and others, all living creatures will cease to feel fear in your presence. ~Patanjali