We all know creative individuals who have turned their gifts, talents, and passions into a prosperous living. So the question is, why can't you?
Perhaps you have convinced yourself that it might be too hard, you don't know how, you are not good enough, you can't afford it, or maybe you don't have the support to commit to this journey.
These are legitimate obstacles, but have these excuses denied you and the world from experiencing your gifts and talents? If you are feeling numb to life, stagnant, complacent, and looking to television, social media, or substances to help you cope – this is your wake-up call, a sure sign that you are ready to shift.
Let's have some fun around this topic, shall we?
First, living in abundance does not just mean financially. The word abundance simply means – "a large quantity of something."
Abundance can also refer to an array of meaningful connections, a flow of creative expression, awesome experiences and adventures, powerful impact, and influence with hopes of making the world a better place.
According to Robert Holden – one of my favorite teachers and bestselling author of popular books such as Happiness Now, Shift Happens, Lovability and Higher Purpose (his latest masterpiece) – most of us have a deep desire to live a purposeful life.
The pursuit of that goal finds us often lost and potentially spending years chasing, forcing, and trying to manipulate the outcome. This leaves us unfulfilled, struggling, and living just an ordinary life.
So how do you get from ordinary life to extraordinary life?
It begins with just that, an intention to do so, and then the universe responds. You may recognize these opportunities as negative obstacles and even label them as bad luck or suffering. But, I am here to say that these adversities are often the very thing that kicks us out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary if you allow them.
Sickness, the loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship, a global pandemic, national discourse, and even war can kick us out of the normal, forcing us into involuntary change. While a conscious, voluntary change happens when we heed the voice that tells us that we are bored, not feeling alive, uninspired, and restless.
A clear sign is that 2AM wake-up call, out of a deep sleep, that inevitably turns into worry! My mentor Alex Giorgio describes worry as creativity all dressed up, with nowhere to go.
This is our soul wanting and begging us to live an inspired-filled life.
You know that feeling when doing or experiencing something that delights you and pops you out of bed in the morning, where you get so engrossed that you forget to eat? That feeling when you know that you were always meant to do this thing, and it feels like magic, an alignment, a knowing, and so NORMAL!
It is so wonderful, a feeling that you would do this even if you didn't get paid... it is as natural as breathing.
This, too, is what abundance feels and looks like. A large quantity of something such as love, passion, meaning, and purpose.
Now here is a secret; we all have the capacity and capability to experience living a purpose-filled life. It is often hidden beneath the "I have to's" of every day, disguised as responsibilities and obligations.
What if you could have more of the" I GET TO's"?
What if that wisdom has been present within you - your entire life?
What if today, you set the intention of living an inspired-filled life?
What if you lived a life that would take you on a journey of wonder and synchronicity that would undoubtedly lead you to experience using your gifts, talents, and purpose?
This is where I come in.
My program, Passion, Purpose, and Gifts is specifically designed to awaken the possibilities of living this inspired-filled life.
In this fun, personalized seven-week journey, I will help you find clarity about who you are authentically, uncover your gifts, talents, and passions, and create a plan on how to share them with the world. A world that needs you right now, more than ever!
You can learn more here, or contact me to get started.
2023 is right around the corner. Commit to making it the most abundant year ever! Abundance is waiting for you.