I have been talking about prosperity and abundance a whole lot lately. But this week, I'm sharing an important and different perspective on prosperity.
Yes, our relationship with Money can be an indicator of old conditioning beliefs that keep us from experiencing prosperity, but what about our relationship with TIME? Let me share a story to demonstrate.
Kate had spent her entire adult life building her successful consulting business. She overcame many obstacles over the years to create a highly respected reputation.
For well over 30 years, businesses and organizations have consistently sought her masterful expertise to transform their companies and culture. It took some time and self-exploration, but Kate finally learned to charge what she was worth.
Now Kate has a new opportunity that could potentially lead her into a lovely, well-deserved semi-retirement. Her greatest fear is that she will continue to overwork and over-give at the expense of balance in her life. We should note that the habits mentioned above are what Kate believes are the formula for what has contributed to her success.
When exploring Kate's relationship with Money, we both found it fascinating as we uncovered what happened. I asked her the following questions:
What did your parents/adults teach you about Money, and how many of those beliefs do you still honor and abide by?
The three categories we explored were,
· Receiving Money
· People who have Money
· Managing Money
The first two categories were interesting and informative for her, as she confirmed that there were still some sensitive areas to work through. When it came to managing Money, Kate was very satisfied with her learned skills.
Managing Money included exploring whether any of these rang true for her:
o Overly generous
o Overspend to impress others
o Mindless spending
o Spend out of guilt and obligation
o Saving other people from their financial drama or problems
o Give away your power to other people
o Avoid looking at bank accounts
o Put off saving until tomorrow
Then, I asked her to replace the word money with TIME… Not surprisingly, she checked off every box, then some!
o Overly generous with your time
o Over give time to impress others
o Mindless waste of time
o Do you give away time out of guilt and obligation
o Spend your time saving other people
o Give away your power to other people
o Avoid looking at your calendar
o Put off spending time on yourself until tomorrow
I speak of Kate, but I am confident that this can also describe many of us.
We give away our time, one of our most valuable commodities, as if it were limitless, at the expense of our health, relationships, financial freedom, integrity, peace, balance, and JOY.
And this is where the work begins. It requires us to practice some inner reflection and self-inquiry as to why and how we justify these behaviors, even though they may compromise our well-being.
This is not permission to practice self-judgment or blame but instead an opportunity to be curious through love and compassion.
It is only through awareness that transformation can happen.
I encourage you to take a few minutes and consider the following questions:
· What are you afraid of if you set boundaries with your time?
· Where did that learned behavior come from?
· Do you have resentment or judgment for someone who did practice boundaries around their time?
· What are the benefits you receive for giving away your time?
· What are the personal costs of giving away your time?
These are all interesting questions, and your answers can be a game-changer.
When we live in congruency with what we want and the actions we take, the universe responds to that alignment. This is how we begin to live with integrity. This is how we can invite more abundance and prosperity in all ways!
Try it out and see what happens.
And if you feel like you need help in any way, check out my one-on-one packages here, or simply contact me to see what may be the best next step for you!
Love and light