One of my favorite stories to tell is about my son Max who was nearly 10 at the time. Max has always loved animals. At one time, he had a bird named Dodo, a male hamster named Doris, and his best friend - our family dog named Oscar.
One day Max decided that he was going to take his hard-earned money and buy a gecko. As much as we tried to talk him out of it, nothing could change his mind. I took him to the pet store, and of course, he came home with a lizard.
The next day I noticed his energy had changed; he seemed preoccupied. When I asked him what was wrong, he broke down crying, asking if he could take the gecko back to the pet store because he was worried that he didn't have enough love for all his pets!
Welcome, I am Izzy, and today I would like to talk about shifting the scarcity and lack mindset to that of abundance and prosperity.
Abundance and prosperity are about all things, not just about money but also love, creativity, time, space, and JOY. All can be impacted by the attitude we hold.
Consider, how does fear of not enough hold you back?
My son Max didn't think he had enough LOVE for all his pets... Selfishly my husband and I were relieved that he came to that conclusion, as Mr. gecko was a bit stinky, and I hated the idea of keeping live crickets in the house.
But, had I been wearing my coaching hat, perhaps I would have tried to show him ways that love is limitless and that the more you give, the more you receive.
How often does the fear of "not enough" impact your decisions and choices? More importantly, how does living in lack impact your energy, creativity, relationships, and happiness?
As I write this blog from my 89-year-old mother's house, being here is always a stark reminder of my childhood. A reminder of growing up in a family where living in scarcity was a virtue, honored and celebrated.
I must say that it has been a lifetime of work to break and change these old conditionings. Here the drawers and closets are packed with clothes, towels, and linens that are no kidding, over 50 years old, with furnishings to match. Perhaps in today's modern society, it is hip to live in the extreme opposite, where everything is disposable and "new" and "in" is revered. I think I have figured out how to live somewhere in the middle.
How and where are you living in scarcity?
You are not alone if you can identify some aspect of scarcity in your life because many of us feel attached to lack in some way.
Here are some qualities or habits of living in Scarcity vs. Abundance:
Scarcity mentality - Scarcity is contagious, a cup half empty perspective - They are COMPLAINERS
desperation - in relationships
living small
limited, idea resources, possibilities, opportunities
clingy- hence why my mother has a hard time throwing anything away
fear of competition - threat, envy or jealous
fear of failure
attached to the outcome
not open - especially to new ways of being and experiencing life
don't share, but what's on the surface, no vulnerability
suspicious and skeptical: of others' motives, that they are being cheated, of those who have achieved
fear change- even if their lives feel complacent and stagnant
limit opportunities/possibilities growth
blaming - family, jobs, government, GOD
permission to live in frustration, stress, resentment
critical - everything and everyone
Abundance mentality - cup half full perspective. They are CREATORS.
inspired by opportunities
invite the challenge
non attached
don't hold on tight - unattached to the outcome
live as visionaries
generous with knowledge, time, support
creative - love being and expressing creativity
collaborative - easy and inviting
contribute - solutions, ideas, possibilities
welcome competition - keeps them on their feet - leading edge
maintain a positive outlook to the future
think big
rejoice in the success of others and our own
live in gratitude
give credit where it is due
more joyful, happier and live with more freedom
And you may have already guessed this, but living in a place of abundance can also have many incredible health benefits.
An abundance mindset is a practice, as is a scarcity mindset - which one have you practiced?
Have I convinced you yet? I would be honored to help you let go of any area where you may feel scarce. If you are committed to change, I invite you to join me and my two amazing colleagues, Michelle Marie and Elise Manzo, on Sunday, October 9th, for a full-day retreat where we will help you change and cultivate more abundance from the inside out.
Together we will uncover old limiting beliefs, shift your vibration, and heal your mind, body, and soul in order to invite more prosperity, abundance, and joy into your life.
The practices we will be sharing with you are the exact tools that helped me let go of my old conditioning and live a more abundant life. I feel confident that once you make the shift, you'll never want to go back to the old way of being.
We have planned a full day of learning, exploring, shifting, and healing surrounded by a like-minded community. Stable Gate Farm and Winery is beautiful, a perfect setting for this transformational work. And as a bonus, it's peak foliage week in the Berkshires!
Sign up today, bring a friend or two.
Sign up before September 24th and get $30 off the registration fee.
I hope to see you there.
P.S. The secret to receiving is giving...