Is your well EMPTY? Yes, your well, your tank, or some may say oxygen. We can certainly recognize it when it happens with our cars, if our children are tired or hungry, or when a wilting house plant becomes thirsty for water and light. But can you recognize the symptoms in yourself?
There is a good chance that if you have been having difficulty sleeping, overconsuming food and drink, or perhaps lacking focus, energy, or patience—your well is empty!
After all, if you survived the last 15 months, that is reason enough to be on empty! Not to mention the winter we have just come through. Especially here in the northeast, we certainly didn't lack precipitation! Snowbound, isolated in our homes, trying to balance family, work, desperate for in-person connections, travel, and the familiar life we all had, has challenged even the best of us.
Let's take some time and explore this idea of having an empty well and ways to refill it, shall we?
Consider this scenario—one I am sure you have heard before.
You are on a plane. The pilot announces, "please place your oxygen mask on." What do you do? You reach over and place it on the kids, your partner, elderly neighbor? Everyone has oxygen except you! And if something happens to the plane, they have a much better chance of surviving because they all have oxygen, and you don't!
Is this what you have been doing this past year? Giving, rescuing, caring for everyone else while forgetting yourself?
I am going to suggest that you take a few moments and consider what gives you oxygen. What fills your well?
Here are some examples:
Meaningful connections
Good Food
Sacred sleep
Quiet time
Space - in your calendar, heart, and head
Healthy Boundaries
These few examples may sound simple but don't underestimate their power. Did you know that the average child laughs at least 150 times a day— how often do you laugh? If your day is filled with lots of screen time or noise, then quiet time can be as essential as water. Time in nature and practicing gratitude can be food for your soul.
These are just a few ideas. Feel free to add any additional oxygen fillers that you know bring joy!
Once you have a list, chose 10 energy filling items. I suggest making food, exercise, and sleep an absolute priority on your list! These are the foundation of health, and without our "Health," it is simply a challenge to do anything.
Next, prioritize these 10 items and commit to doing them every day for the next 30-days.
Now, I assume you may be saying, "how will I ever consciously fit in 10 things into my already jammed schedule?" The answer is easy. I am not advocating multitasking—or not living mindfully, but consciously bringing these energy fillers into your daily life is worth the effort in whatever way you can. Such as walking with a dear friend while in nature - well, that could be three checks all-in-one! Or if you spend time playing with your kids, you are bound to have a few laughs. Or starting the day with 10 minutes of meditation or eating a meal in silence, tasting every bite—that is mindfulness.
It is most important that you make a conscious effort every day to fill YOUR well first.
Then after 30-days or even after 1-week, begin to notice the impact it has on your clarity, focus, and sense of grounding. I think you MAY BE AMAZED. I know I always am.
It may also help to separately make a list of the things that are currently draining your energy. Notice the energy or vibration in your body after making these two lists—the difference can be palpable.
Last of all, consider if there is anything you can do to address, eliminate, or let go of any of those energy drainers? Because what drains your energy is what clutters your life!
And, if you think you may need more personal help with your energy drainers or other life matters, there are a couple of ways that can happen. I invite you to check out a previously recorded version of my Clearing the Clutter workshop. There you will find a powerful tool for identifying and clearing out your energy drainers.
And if you are struggling with life, career, or wellness issues and could use a coach's perspective, I would be delighted to help. Simply contact me to find out more.
Here's to inviting a spring season that ignites your sparkle and JOY.