Have you ever wondered why you have been placed here on earth? If you are here to fulfill a certain mission? Or, if you and your soul were given an assignment to fulfill in this lifetime? I love contemplating these ideas. In fact, I believe in this notion so much, that I have designed my coaching practice very much around it. I help individuals discover who they truly are authentically (deep down to their soul), and how to build a life to support that person.
I love the way Gary Zukov, the author of the Seat of the Soul, describes the soul. He explains that the soul is like a mothership and we are like a little ship following behind. The mothership has a path, a direction, a course to travel, but rather than following along the with the current and wind, where it’s a smooth easy sail, we little ships, sometimes get a bit arrogant and decide to go off on our own.
Consider your life, I bet that there are examples and experiences throughout your life when you have felt in alignment with all things YOU! And equally, times when you felt as if you weren’t in alignment with anything.
So, I wonder, are you the same person you were 5-10 years ago?
To be honest, I hope you are not! Throughout our lives, we are supposed to examine who we are, where we are going, and if we are in alignment with who we want to authentically be. If we are not, then perhaps we have separated from the mothership and it is time to make some changes and re-align.
I know when this happens to me; when I have veered off course from my mothership, life starts to get uncomfortable and often challenging. I would love for life to always be bunnies and flowers, full of joy and ease; but I also know that the greatest times of growth have happened in the darkest nights of my soul.
So how do you do experience this type of growth when you are so far out of alignment? It begins with self-inquiry without judgment. The practice is to just begin to notice, then relax and realign. Remember, it’s not about never leaving mothership— it’s about noticing when we have veered away and are living out of alignment. Then it's about taking the journey back—doing the work to get back into alignment is where our greatest growth happens!
Consider this idea: Imagine that the first forty years of your life is your choice... you are in complete control of your path. The second forty years is God's/source/universe' choice. It is like at first life is all about chasing things, making things happen, acquiring things, checking it off the list. Then, somewhere between the ages of 40-50, we begin to take an inventory of our life. We begin to question how meaningful all the relationships we have are, and deeply desire to nurture just a select few. Or, the abundance of physical stuff in our home starts to feel like clutter. Suddenly, the idea of simplifying our home, relationships, and calendar can seem so appealing because it focuses on what is authentic and meaningful to you! It truly begins with first this awareness— this discomfort. Then, the hard part is finding the courage to change it. Like Dr. Joe Dispenza says, in his book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, “If you want a new outcome, you will have to break the habit of being yourself, and reinvent a new self.”
So perhaps you aren't the same person you were 5-10 years ago. And hopefully, you won't be the same person in another 5-10 years. As you continue to follow your mothership, to align and realign with your soul, I hope you invite growth by finding comfort in the discomfort!
Here’s to personal growth and expansion. May we all get uncomfortable, occasionally!