Should you look for another job, end a relationship, move cross country, or stand up to your mother? Life is filled with decisions each day, from choosing what food we eat to the careers we choose and everything in between.
How do you make important choices in your life?
Today I'll share a tool for helping make choices and decisions. This discerning practice or process can offer a strategy that aligns with everything important to you and supports creating a thriving life.
You see, the premise by which you made decisions in the past may no longer work for you today. Some of those decisions may have resulted from what was expected, what was popular, or your inner rebellion. Perhaps you feel as though there is nothing left to prove, defy, or even chase at this moment of your life.
Instead, there is an inner voice that wishes and craves to make a choice from a deep knowing. A feeling of alignment and direction that supports your truest, most authentic self. Welcome home! You see, this part of you has always existed but, at times, may have been distracted or ignored.
This is what happened to a recent client.
Sarah worked very hard for several years in a finance job that paid her extremely well. But something was missing; in fact, a lot was missing!
She adored her husband and young family but found herself frequently missing out on important kids' events, short on patience, and on the weekends completely drained, struggling to be present while sharing family moments.
Although she valued financial freedom, she equally valued her physical and emotional health, connection with her family, and the JOY and peace that had become obscure. The day she decided to quit her job was probably one of the most courageous and empowering things she ever did for herself.
Many people seek my guidance for this very reason. Intuitively they desire something different or are facing a change, both chosen or not. They are frequently leading to a crossroads in life.
But how do we move forward? How does one forge a new path while trying to honor responsibilities and commitments while nourishing our soul and attending to that voice within?
The very first step is just that, listen to your inner guidance. This wisdom or intuition already knows your truth.
For example, your head may want that second glass of wine, but your body is saying, "Please, NO."
Habit may drive you to a job every day, where you are paid well, but your heart feels tired, drained, and lifeless when you come home at night.
So, how do you make these important life changes?
You can wait for a crisis. Pray for courage. Hope to gain confidence. Use fear as a motivator.
Or you could explore another way.
I have discovered and taught a process that can help inform and assist in making any decisions in your life, no matter how BIG or small. It is a formula based on what we value and need.
You see, our personal "values," often referred to as guiding principles, can help shape us and our lives in ways that feel incredibly personal and true. Although our values may have been essentially imposed on us by the most adult influences of life, such as our parents or guardians, community, school, and religions, sometimes those values no longer serve us as we mature and expand into our own lives.
My parents experienced severe poverty growing up. Their fear of experiencing that lack again forced them to be very resourceful, never waste anything, and protect their security at all costs. Those core values were essential for them, but for me, they held me back and encouraged me to live small and limited.
As for personal "needs," do you know how to articulate what those are?
We often know what we want, but do we know what we need, what our soul needs are? Making choices based on our positions and not our needs is a perfect recipe for living in fear.
For example, suppose you choose a job just for the money. Eventually, you will need more than that, especially if it compromises your need for creativity, integrity, and balance in your life.
Imagine there is a tool or path for creating this clarity that can serve as a roadmap or guidepost for making the most important decisions in your life. That has the power to shape your life and relationships, support your health, and guide you to living with more purpose and meaning.
My Values and Needs exercise has enabled people to make hard decisions, communicate concisely, take risks and chances in their life, and live more authentically.
Although the process isn't easy or simple, with my help in three sessions, you can have a tool that will be as essential as your financial adviser, attorney, and dentist! Hundreds of my clients can attest to this!
I don't know about you, but I am committed to 2023, looking and feeling much better than this past year.
I also don't need another sweater, a gift certificate to the mall, or more jewelry. This year is all about transformation. Request this gift for yourself or offer this to someone you know who is ready and can use the guidance and support by contacting me.
And, if you aren't sure what program would work for you or someone you know, explore my programs here or start by scheduling a free consultation to explore the possibilities.
Happy Holidays!