What keeps you from practicing meditation? You might say time, ability to quiet down or stay focused. Many say that the greatest obstacle is that they don't really know how or are not sure they are doing it correctly.
First, let's clarify mindfulness and meditation. Mindfulness simply means present moment awareness.
As I've mentioned in other posts, one can practice mindfulness throughout the day: while eating, washing dishes, walking, or in conversation with another person.
Meditation is the most powerful form of mindfulness.
It is the conscious practice of concentrating on one's breath or mantra for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness.
The following steps have most definitely helped me feel successful in my practice. I hope they can help you.
Before we begin, I invite you to close your eyes and hold your hands up without moving your fingers; consider how you know your hands are still connected to your arms?
Perhaps you feel the weight, heat, or pulse. Bring awareness to your fingers. Now just your pinkies, pointers, middle, ring finger, thumbs, and your palms.
This is what it feels like to suddenly know that you are alive. A step that we will use in this practice.
I invite you to give yourself permission to pause for the next 15 minutes and allow yourself to experience this simple meditation practice.