It’s week 6 of our exploration of the Life Balance Wheel, and so many people have shared that taking this life inventory has invited a deeper awareness about where they are in their life, that somehow it has also motivated them to take some action. Some have created a budget, paid more attention to their emotional eating habits, created sacred sleep environments, and even had hard conversations.
Rest assured that if this journey has not yet encouraged serious action steps, be patient, the direction and motivation will come.
Over the last few weeks, we discussed meaningful relationships and connections with others. This week is all about the relationship with oneself. Yes, how close and aligned we feel with a deeper sense of who we are and how it is expressed in all the corners of our lives.
Let’s begin by asking some very important questions about the time and effort you have taken to grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually in your life. One way to explore this aspect is by looking at your bookshelves and the media you watch.
Do you watch movies, read books that challenge what you think? Do you take time to ask questions about how, why, and what life is all about?
If you were to look back in ten years, do you think you have grown (and not just in pant size)?
Now, what if you decided to change your mind about something every day? How could that impact your life?
That was exactly what bestselling author Malcom Gladwell shared when asked how he came up with these thought-provoking subjects that he brilliantly shares in his books such as Tipping Point, Blink, Talking to Strangers, and Outliers.
It’s been fascinating to see how this effortless intention has helped me to grow. As a result, I have tried new foods, experimented with new clothing styles, explored new movies and book genres, adopted new communication skills, and learned to appreciate winter.
But perhaps the most significant measurement of personal growth can be described in our relationship with our soul.
What if you knew that the role of your soul was to grow, expand, seek enlightenment during your life here on earth?
Now imagine that you and your soul live in a ten-story building, when on that tenth floor, the penthouse, it is in that state of equanimity. That no matter how beautiful or how challenging it feels out there, you and your soul are never quite far apart. A mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in difficult situations.
Then there is the basement, and we may all know that feels like – Perhaps lately, feel like you have spent more time there than desired.
Now consider, what floor would you place yourself on today - average? And may I suggest that if you are engaging in this 8 -week exercise, you give yourself an extra floor or two 😉.
Assessing your current personal growth is only the first step. One must also consider what it would take to get closer to that tenth floor.
In two sentences or less, what would the journey look and feel like to reach that state of equanimity? Here are some ideas.
“In order for my soul and I get closer to that 10th floor...”
Is it time to explore and discover who you truly are authentically, then create a life that supports that person?
Maybe, we need to practice extreme self-care and acceptance?
Or invite leaning towards fun and JOY and less towards suffering and sacrifice
Perhaps permission to explore and express more of your creative self
Or let go of self-judgment, or create and set health boundaries
How about learning to be more in the present in the moment
Or practicing letting go or detaching from the outcome.
These are just some ideas. I invite you to take time this week to contemplate this very important aspect of your life.
Hint: More life satisfaction is really not about solving the problem but instead outgrowing it.
Next week, it is all about FUN and Recreation.
Don’t be surprised if this aspect or factor impacts all the other areas.