Here we are on week 8 of exploring the Life Balance Wheel, and I would like to congratulate you on sticking with this journey and taking an inventory of your life.
My job as a coach is to help you figure out where you are today to help you move forward, and that's exactly what these past 8-weeks have done. Remember, if you have missed a week or two along the way, you can catch up here.
Today the last pie piece on the wheel is all about your environment.
Your environment has to do with various things. It can begin by asking how satisfied are you with the part of the world or country you live in? Your community? And, very importantly, your home?
We spoke about community a few weeks ago at great length.
Today let's talk specifically about your home. Does it feel like "AHHH, I am home" when you walk into that space? Or do your shoulders rise up to your ears and think, "yikes, I am home."
Does your home nurture and nourish you, or does it deplete you?
Do you love being home and feel rejuvenated after spending time at home, or do you find yourself making excuses to leave?
The answer to this question is so very important. A home should feel like a sacred place.
It could very well be a mansion, but it may also be a one-room apartment. Either way, the place or room that you call home should feel safe, secure, warm, and inviting. It doesn't have to look like a page out of Architectural Digest, but it does need to feel like your own and unencumbered with things that compromise your health and wellbeing.
And if you share this space with another and identify that as the challenge, how can you begin to carve out your sacred space? Perhaps that is a drawer, closet, or room.
If this sounds like something you struggle with, you may find my video workshop called Clearing the Clutter available here very helpful.
So, how does the current state of your environment make you feel? That includes your home, community, and region. Give it a number.
Here you go! If you/ve followed along, your wheel is now complete. Take a look at your wheel, at your current life. Are there any areas that surprise you? Whatever your answer, you are not that far away from transformation. It begins with an intention and ACTION!
2022 is the year for transformation; let's awaken the amazing possibilities in your life! NO MORE EXCUSES!