Type E Personality
An estimated 5 to 10 percent of the world’s population…loves living on the edge of life.
They love extremes. They are built for speed, whether emotional or physical. They possess enormous amounts of passion and creativity. Their energy seems limitless and their pioneering spirit insatiable. They live to shape the world, to grow it, to make it a better place, from their local communities to the widest global stage. They constantly live and love and play on the edge.
Alex Georgio, an educator, mentor and coach in a world-class health resort, was privileged to work with thousands of these extremely bright, inquisitive and enormously successful individuals. They were continually on the lookout for new ways to improve their bodies, minds and spirits. They relaxed in his office recliner sharing their lives, goals and deepest secrets. Their amazing stories were literally and figuratively right out of Hollywood.
The more he worked with these incredibly motivated people, the more he noticed common patterns emerging in their stories and in their bodies’ physiologies that were different from the norm. Their tales of success and failure and how their bodies handled the excitement and the stress of living such exciting lives were strikingly similar. They were so similar in fact that he began to refer to these people who live their lives on the edge as having a “Type E” personality.
As a certified an experience Type E coach, Izzy has personally helped some of these most amazing creative and energetic beings find harmony and balance in their often disconnected lives by helping them to understand their gifts and how to find ways to make them their greatest assets.
Type E Personality
If you are an entrepreneur, entertainer, artist, scientist, CEO, highly creative, or if you consider yourself energetic, a risk taker or a self starter, chances are you have a Type E personality. If, in your enthusiasm you frequently get another "E" from others, "Enough already!" you definitely have a Type E personality.
When this specialized personality type is properly understood and utilized, Type Es can expect to have a successful, exciting and passion-filled life. However, when they fail to recognize and properly nurture this personality type, they put enormous stress on their body’s physiology and can be in for quite a scary ride personally and professionally.